Tramaine Darby

Tramaine Darby

Raleigh NC 27675
Tramaine Darby

PHP Anonymous functions

February 18, 2015, by tdarby, category PHP

Learned something new today!

In php you can create an anonymous function  that will just execute inline:

$greetings = function($name)
printf("Wassup %s\r\n", $name);

These function will  make the functionality cleaner when used as callbacks or simple variable assignment.  It creates a closure, so the variables will not bleed out.  If you want to inherit variables from the calling scope, add the “use” directive:


$message = 'This is awesome';

$logger = function () use ($message) {

The gotcha here is that the variables are inherited as they are when the function is created, not when it is executed.


So, what do you think ?